Thursday, 26 November 2015

Illegal Construction and Notice from the Local Authority, Basic Precaustions:

Generally, Public should know the  basic law to deal with any type of immovable property because of ignorance of law is no excuse under the Indian Law. Before purchase any property in respect of site or flat that you must know basic requirement of legal documents and you have to raise following prelimenary queries to the Seller viz,

1. Origin of the land or site (Recommend for Advocate or Legal Expert)
2. Nature of Property, CDP and ODP verification.
3.Coversion of Land, 
4. Building License and Approved Plan from the local authority(BDA,BBMP, BMRDA,BIIAPA Etc). For your information, Grama Panchyath has no authority to approve any layout plan.
5. Is there any Land Notification Order or Nil Land Acquisiton?
6. Encumberance Certificate verificaion regarding Form No. 15 and 16
7. NOC from the BESCOM, BWSSB, KSPCB, FIRE,AIRPORT,BSNL if the building belongs highrise building i.e, Ground Floor+4th Floor or Morethan 15 Meter within the meaning of local authority bye laws.
7a.Joint Development Agreement, GPA, Sharing Agreement, Partnership Firm Registration,  verification and GPA executant must alive during exectution of your Agreements and Sale    Deed when the builder is going to represent the land owner.
8. Tax Paid Receipts
9. Khatha Extract and Certificate
10. Occupancy Certificate and Completion Certificate
11. General Precaustions: Lake, Nala, Raja Kaluve, Gomal Land, Sewage Pipe Line, Hightension Wire, Sensitive Zone, Road Widening Proposal as per the CDP or ODP, New upcoming Road proposal, Reserved Forest Area, SC/ST granted land and locking period verifictions. Builder Reputation and feedback, reviews. Construction level, Building Stability Certificate, FAR follow up, Zonal Regulation followup,Approved Plan Bye law's terms and conditions followup, Deviation percentage, Association proper Formation, Legal Documents custody, Original Documents Verifications, Amenities, Kharab Land Utitlity and reservation for Public Purpose, Building Warranty Certificate, Quantity Survey Report, Local Bank Approvals, All adovate Legal Scrutiny Reports, Court Stay Orders, Litigations, Minor claims, J etc.,

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