Thursday, 18 February 2016


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The following documents are very vital documents before handovering flats to the association. The builder has bounden duty to comply all the mandatory documents and the flat members or association has all the rights to recover the same from the builder. The Association can move a Consumer Forum to claim these documents in the event of fail to get from the builders.

Property Documents executed between the Landowners and Builders
Convesion, Receipt, Change of Land use
Approved Construction Plan
Completion Certificate and Comencement Certificates
Occupancy Certificate
NOC from Fire Department
NOC from Airport Authority
NOC from the BESCOM
NOC from Telephone Authority
NOC from BIAAPA, BBMP, BDA,BMRDA If applicable
NOC from the BWSSB
Property Taxes, Khatha Extract, Certificates, Amalgamation
Land Revenue Records (RTC, MR, KARDA, GRANT CERTIFICATE etc.,)
Endorsements ( PTCL, 7A & 48A, 79 A&B, Nil Acquistion Etc.)
Drawings of the Electrical Wiring including Earthing Points
Drawings of the Water Piping
STP Drawing & certification by Architect/Pollution Control Board
Approval for STP Installation
Waste Disposal system with approval from Pollution Control Board
AMC Documents – Lift, Generator, Transformer, Apartment ADDA portal, etc.
Invoices and Warranties for all Assets – Pumps, Lift, Generator, Transformer, Pool
Equipments, Gym Equipments
Clearance to operate Elevators
NoC from Electrical Inspector
Payment Record for Taxes towards Property, Construction and Maintenance
Payment Record for City/Municipality Water Supply
Record of Maintenance Expenses while under Builder’s Maintenance
Record of all Collections made from the Owners (except purchase related)
Contracts with existing Maintenance, Security staff 
Audited accounts of the maintenance and interest earned
Details of deposit, if any
Apartment tax related details
Insurance details for the building
Handover of the left over money
Handover of the office room, departmental stores, records, documents etc. to the association.
Contract or agreement details of maintenance staffs and security service
Issue of consent letter from the Electricity Board for change of name
List of amenities in the apartment
List of services offered by builder after handover of apartment
Handover of the function hall, parking lot, swimming pool and other amenities to the association
Contracts on the structural issues
Insurance details for the building
Car Parking allocation and marking
Repairs or service (for any of the houses, if the owner asks for it)
Building structural warranty Certificate if possible
Approval fro storm water connection
Lift Approval Copy
Lift Operation Certificate from CEIG
Plumbing,Electrical, Architectural and structural drawing
Documented evidence of RWH compliance
Technical detailsof RWH systemincluding details of Terrace Areacovered, Piping,Sump details
Lab test of water quality STP
Approval fromlocal authoritiesfor Bore well
 Technical Documentation
Proof of testing including water sampletest
Lab test of water quality
Fire &Emergency Management Detectors and Alarm System
Inspection Certificate from Fire Safety authorities
Technical documentation including wiring diagrams, etc.
Proof of firesystem checks
Manual checks of detectors,panels etc.
Manual check of Public Address System
Manual check of Panic ButtonSystemSprinklers,Hydrants &Hoses
Piping diagramsfor fire pipes
Inventory of Hoses (brassfittings are valuable and tendto be stolen)
Random checking of hydrants– open and closePumps & ControlSystems
Manual checks of pumps
SecurityCCTV System
User Manuals and TechnicalDocumentation of CCTV
Manual verification of (a)Viewing of Images (b) Retrievalfrom Storage System (if applicable)Access ControlSystem
Manual testing of all accesspoints
Documented procedure withidentified vendor forreplacement of access cards –
also finalize rate
OthersPiped Gas System
Applicableapprovals fromrelevantauthorities
Piping Diagrams
Manual inspection, to theextent possible
DG Approval, Drawings, Manual and Warranty
Manual inspection forincomplete / defectiveconstruction, leakages, etc.
Wiring Diagrams
Check major components(common area lighting,pumps, etc.)LiftsDG Sets
Technical Documentation and Specifications
Check auto switch on/off onmains fail
Check Diesel Consumption andcompare with benchmarks
Water,Plumbing &SanitationMains watersupply system
Piping Diagrams
Sump and Overhead Tank Documentation
Technical documentation for pumps
Manual inspection of key pipesfor leakages
Manual checking of mainsmeter for correct functioning Bore well
Approval fromlocal authoritiesfor Bore well
Documentation indicating Borewell depth, etc.
Bore well yield kreport
Manual test of Bore well yield
Lab test of water quality
Nexus Test Report
Log Sheet book
Coloum Footing Layout
Beam Layout Plinth
Swimming Pool Drawing
Steel quantity Drawing
Overhead Tank Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Framing Plan
Beam Layout Slab, Slab Details, Beam Cross Section
Building Structure Stability Certificate

Photo Sources: 

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