Wednesday, 3 February 2016


As per the Government Gazette Notification No. NAE 556 MDA 2013(1) Dated: 28.05.2014 unequivocally confirmed that where any land has been developed or change of land use is made in contravention of Section 14,14-A,15,17 or the Regulations or in contravention of commencement certificate granted under Section 15[1], the Planning Authority may regularise such development and change of land use made prior to the date of 19th October 2013, subject to such rules as may be prescribed and on payment of prescribed amount, which may be different for different purposes, but not exceeding the estimated cost of the development.
Provided that the amount so prescribed shall not be less than. -
i.             Six percent of the market value, determined in accordance with the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957 and the rules made thereunder, of the portion of the building built in violation of the provisions referred to above, if such violation of setback norms and permissible floor area ratio does not exceed twenty-five percent;

ii.           Eight percent of the market value, determined in accordance with the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957 and the rules made thereunder, of the portion of the building built in violation of the provisions referred to above, if such violation of setback norms and permissible floor area ratio exceeds twenty-five percent but does not exceed fifty percent;
Provided further that where the portion of the building is built in violation of the provisions referred to above is being used or meant for non-residential purpose and amount payable for regularisation of such portion shall be. -
(i)           Twenty percent of the market value, determined in accordance with the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957 and the rules made thereunder, of the portion okf the building built in violation of the provisions referred to above, if such violation of setback norms and permissible floor area ratio does not exceed twelve and a half percent;

(ii)          Thirty-five percent of the market value, determined in accordance with the Karnataka Act1957 and the rules made the of the violation of the provisions referred to above, if such violation of setback norms and permissible floor area ratio exceeds twelve and a half percent but does not exceed twenty-five percent.

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