Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Most of the Builder in Bangalore stating that no Occupancy Certificate is mandatory for non high rise building which means below G+4 or 15 Meeter building will not attract Occupancy Certificate. Is it true statement? No. Building Occupancy Certificate is mandatory for all the Residential Unit/Dwellin Unit/Apartment more than 2 units in Apartment and Individual Unit which exceeded 8040 Sq.Ft approximately and the Following Department will issue the Occupancy Certificate in accordance with their parameeter viz.

1. Town Planning Section, Head Office, BBMP: Issue of Occupancy Certificate for residential Dwelling houses / Apartments / Non-Residential Buildings a) Consisting of More than Single Basement Floor irrespective of Number of Floors b) Consisting of BF+GF+4 and above Upper Floors. c) For all the cases where Development Plan is approved by Bangalore Development Authority. (Computerized)

2.Whom to approach for this service (Designated Officer)?Additional Director of Town Planning, headed by the Commissioner, BBMP

3.Procedure involved to get this service:1. Filing application through online and submitting hard copy consisting of Schedule – VIII, As built drawings & Photographs and CFO from KSPCB (Wherever applicable) 2. Inspection of the Site by Engineer 3. Verification of As built with Sanctioned Drawing 4. Approval / Rejection by the competent authority 5. Issue of Demand Note to the party for payment of Compounding Fee 6. Receipt of Compounding Fee 7. Issue of Occupancy Certificate

4.Form to be submitted to get this service:Schedule – VIII, Download form in BBMP website

5.Who are eligible to get this service?:Any owner of the property in the jurisdiction of BBMP area who has obtained Plan Sanction

6.Documents to be enclosed with the request:1. Latest B B M P Khata certificate 2. Latest B B M P Khata Extract 3. Latest Tax paid receipt 4. CFO from KSPCB and Fire Clearance (Wherever applicable) 5. As Built Drawings 6. Photographs

7.Fee/Charges to be paid to get this service: Compounding Fee

8.Maximum number days to get this service delivered: 30 Working Days

2. 8040 Sq.Ft mentioned herein is data collected in internet 
3.Photo sources: 

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